Fieldwork among cattle herders

 to lear from people, first learn to do as they do! to be one of them!

In my childhood I learned to play xigoviya, but musegere I didn't!

Fieldwork in Africa can be a big challenge, but also a lot of fun! Until we get to the target sites where we are supposed to meet our teachers, we need to add a lot more to their research skills learned at school. The skills needed range from linguistic, to express our intentions clearly and ethically, and generally communicate with people in a perceptible way; social skills, to interact harmoniously with the communities, understand different behaviours and behave according to the norms and the environment; and, one last requirement I had not thought of in Kugada Gava - riding a calf.

Cattle herders travel long distances from their homes to find the green pastures where their cattle should feed. Preferably far from the fields, to avoid the pressure of always having to watch their animals so that they do not damage the crop fields. Obviously, they have no cars, no chapas, no motorbikes, no bicycles. So they use magava (young cattle, calves), which are easier to tame and ride, as a means of transport to reach the distant pastures.

While their cattle are feeding, the cattle herders carry out many political, entertainment and recreational activities, such as exercising their fighting skills to determine who is the strongest to lead the group, but also to prepare themselves for future challenges, as they usually aspire to go to work in the mines of South Africa, where bullying is the rule of the game, and so fighting skills are of utmost importance; and, what mattered most to me, is that they play svigoviya, misengere, makhwayi dance and sing.


Exercise 1: a) What is xigoviya? Describe it, classify it, and illustrate it with a picture.
                    b) Describe the music played by cattle herder on these instruments.
                    c) Reflect on the integration and contemporization of this music

                         -what relation does it have       with the popular-urban music of Mozambique?
                         -What are its challenges, and potentialities, in contemporaneity?
                         -Do you know someone who plays these instruments?


While doing fieldwork among them, I had to live with them for some time, and thus, to learn some of their skills and habits so that I could be one of them, and not become an outsider/stranger. One of the important skills I had to learn was kugada gava (riding a calf). The photo below illustrates this process. The boy next to me, my kugada gava teacher, was smiling in satisfaction that I had finally mastered the skill of riding the calf and thus was ready to walk with them.

Exercise 2: a) What is gava called in your mother tongue?
                    b) Have you ever seen or ridden gava?
                    c) What impression do you have about this practice?
                   d) What other activities do cattle herders do during grazing?

Trabalho de campo entre pastores de gado

Para aprender com as pessoas, primeiro aprenda a fazer como elas fazem! A ser uma delas!
Na infância a aprendi tocar xigoviya, mas musengere tinha me escapado!

O trabalho de campo em África pode ser um grande desafio! Até conseguirmos chegar aos locais de destino onde devemos encontrar os nossos professores, é necessário agregar muito mais às suas competências de investigação aprendidas na escola. As competências necessárias vão desde as linguísticas, para exprimirmos as nossas intenções de forma clara e ética, e em geral, comunicar com as pessoas de forma perceptível; competências sociais, para compreendermos os diferentes comportamentos e comportarmo-nos de acordo com o ambiente; e, um último requisito em que eu não tinha pensado em Kugada Gava - montar um bezerro.

Os pastores de gado percorrem longas distâncias a partir das suas casas, para encontrar os pastos verdes onde o seu gado se deve alimentar. De preferência, longe dos campos, para evitar a pressão de estarem sempre a vigiar os seus animais para não danificarem os campos de cultivo. Como é óbvio, não têm carros, não há chapas, ou motas, nem bicicletas. Por isso, utilizam a magava (gado jovem, vitelos), que é mais fácil de domar e montar, como meio de transporte para chegar aos pastos distantes.

Enquanto o seu gado se alimenta, os pastores de gado realizam muitas actividades políticas, de entretenimento e recreativas, tais como exercitar as suas capacidades de luta para determinar quem é o mais forte para liderar o grupo, mas também para se prepararem para desafios futuros, uma vez que normalmente aspiram a ir trabalhar para as minas da África do Sul, onde o bullying é a regra do jogo e, por isso, as habilidades de luta são de extrema importância; e, o que mais me importava, é que eles tocam svigoviya, misekgere, dança makhwayi e cantam.


Exercício 1: a) Oque é xigoviya? Descreva-o, classifique-o, e ilustre com uma imagem.
b) Descreva a música tocada nestes instrumentos.
c) Reflicta sobre a integração e contemporização desta música —que relação, tem com a música popular-urbana de Moçambique?
—Quais são os seus desafios, potencialidades, na contemporaneidade?
—Você conhece alguém que toca estes instrumentos?


Enquanto fazia trabalho de campo entre eles, tive de viver com eles durante algum tempo e aprender algumas das suas habilidades e hábitos para que lidasse com eles, e não ficasse um estranho. Uma das habilidades importantes que tive de aprender foi kugada gava (montar um bezerro). A foto abaixo ilustra este processo. O rapaz ao meu lado, o meu professor de kugada gava, estava a sorrir de satisfação por eu ter, finalmente, dominado a habilidade de montar no bezerro e, assim, estar pronto para caminhar com eles.

Exercício 2: a) Como se chama gava na tua língua materna?
b) Você já viu ou montou gava?
c) Que impressão tem sobre esta prática?
d) Que outras actividades fazem os pastores de gado durante a pastagem?

As we learn during fieldwork we also teach, we exchange our skills, and that is what  adds to the motivation  of our counterparts to be part of the procces

In the picture below, also made by Xakada, I was exchanging techniques and skills with one of the cattle herders -I played on his pipe flute as he also tried my Western transverse flute. It was an interesting experience!


In this paragraph you can write a description of your business, your personal interests, your professional skills - or really whatever you prefer to use this text block for actually. And here comes a repetition: In this paragraph you can write a description of your business, your personal interests, etc.

Musical instruments sold at the Saturday crafts market


I hope, for those who have not yet understood my restlessness,  the afore presented videos can help to explain. In both videos we have witnessed threats to the local musics, whereby: 1) they are getting lost, because they are not attracting enough young generations; 2)they are  trivialized, whereby people do not have confidence in handling them. Unfortunately, for many young and old people, it still remains a sign of backwardness to be a musician specializing in traditional music, whose role they underestimate, and in turn hold Western music with very high esteem.  As such, the continuity and longevity of the traditional musical cultures are jeopardized if no strategic actions are taken to address the matter.

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